Resolving Team Conflict: Strategies. A few days ago, I spoke to one of the managing directors of a large team of sales representatives. At one point, he asked: “Artur, you have extensive experience and success in working with people, so I have a question, how do you deal with conflict in a team and how do you solve it?” Of course, I shared my experience and ideas on how to solve this problem with my interlocutor, but the situation itself encouraged me to devote my attention to this topic – it is important for everyone who works and cares for people. Where to start when working on conflict in a team?
- Act as soon as possible – after diagnosing a conflict, deal with it straight away! The lack of a manager’s quick response to a conflict means the accumulation of negative emotions in the team and, as a result, a decrease in its motivation and performance.
- Decide what function you want to perform in the conflict, what strategy you will choose to solve it, and then analyze why the best strategy is the “win-win” one. My experience suggests that it is best to focus on solving the problem first, putting aside emotions related to it, focusing only on solutions, and building a consensus between the parties of the conflict.
- Be an impartial mediator who focuses on ensuring adequate communication between the parties of the conflict, who cools emotions between them, and who shows mutual understanding and empathy.
- Moderate the conversation and make sure that the parties of the conflict can focus on solving the problem themselves by looking for areas that connect them, and not divide them.
- Be consistent in trying to choose one of the solutions they generate and make sure that the solution is actually implemented.

I am an effective manager with 17 years of experience in sales management, and customer service, and the practical ability to optimize processes and introduce employee changes. I prioritize sustainable business development by building and cooperating with a team of motivated and committed professionals who identify with the highest work standards.