Lean and Human Resources. Lean philosophy is the key to a company’s success. Its implementation requires the involvement of all employees in the enterprise – from an operator to the CEO. It is a difficult challenge because it is associated with building awareness at every level of the organization. Human Resource is a department in the organization which is responsible for managing the employee life cycle. For example, recruiting, hiring, onboarding, training, and firing employees and administering employee benefits. Human Resources is there to support employees. It’s quite literally a resource for humans.
The biggest challenge when implementing the Lean philosophy is the commitment of all the employees in the company to act according to it. Without this, successful implementation will simply not happen. The richest man in human history, John D. Rockefeller, once said – “The ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee. And I will pay more for that ability than for any other under the Sun.”
Lean and Human Resources. Lean HR is about building a talented organization where the biggest effort is put into developing the skills of supervisors related to engaging and motivating employees, which is further strengthened by building their awareness. Awareness is the optimal state of arousal of the central nervous system, in which the nervous and learning processes retain their creative character. This definition is very complicated. In practice, awareness means that a person knows why he is doing something. Lack of awareness is a missing point in people’s commitment to the organization.
Lean and Human Resources. When You Focus on awareness in Your organization, You will see huge progress in the commitment and engagement of Your employees. They will understand what they are doing and they will start to work better on developing Your organization in the future.

Dr. Bartosz Misiurek is a co-founder of a few start-ups like Leantrix, Lean Community, Leancoin, etwi, Lean Global Consulting, Sallar. He is a CEO at LeanTrix Ltd., Leancoin Ltd, Do Lean IT OU, and a Member of the Board at Astral Hodling OU. Author of the book “Standardized Work with TWI: Eliminating Human Errors in Production and Service Processes.” He works as Sr Manager and TWI Global Coach at Automotive Company.
Bartosz Misiurek, PhDhttps://leancommunity.org/author/bartoszmisiurek/
Bartosz Misiurek, PhDhttps://leancommunity.org/author/bartoszmisiurek/
Bartosz Misiurek, PhDhttps://leancommunity.org/author/bartoszmisiurek/
Bartosz Misiurek, PhDhttps://leancommunity.org/author/bartoszmisiurek/
During my 20 years of experience as a Lean Expert and Trainer, I have seen many Lean Journey … some of them failed but some of them brought people and companies to incredible results. I always liked to teach others and I am happy when they have success.
This is the reason why I started in 2010 with my first website on Lean and by continuous improvement, I decided to found LeanVlog.
Mark Andersonhttps://leancommunity.org/author/markanderson/
Mark Andersonhttps://leancommunity.org/author/markanderson/
Mark Andersonhttps://leancommunity.org/author/markanderson/
Mark Andersonhttps://leancommunity.org/author/markanderson/