Integrity professionalism adaptability are important. I’ve noticed that it is not only the values communicated by the business that are more and more important but also the values and character traits of the business founder or key people who run it. After all, business is people, and what is more, who are we when building our business, and with what people do we surround ourselves. For me, business is a part of life, so my private and business life is my life. From time to time I like to look at my character traits in order to think what the key ones are for me, and which ones will come to my mind first when I think about them. Formerly such favorable qualities were called virtues – character virtues. If you have never done such an exercise, I recommend it. What you understand by a given trait is also important. Each of us may have a different understanding of the same word. I often do such exercises as part of a course that is run in English, and I therefore do this exercise in English. Sometimes it’s easier for me to find the right word.
The traits I follow, and what I believe about these traits:
- Reliability – being someone you can rely on. I do what I say I will. I am responsible for what I say. If I say something, I stick to it.
- Courage – taking necessary risks. Identifying fear, but acting in spite of it. Following your heart and building the life you want on your own terms. The heart is now understood by science as our first brain (right behind the intestines :)) that processes emotions.
- Kindness, compassion, respect to others – it is basically a group of connected values. Kindness to others and myself. Compassion and putting yourself in another person’s position without judging. Respect for others, no matter who they are and what they do.
- Determination – I can achieve anything I want as soon as I set my mind to it. My potential is limitless.
Integrity professionalism adaptability are important. I’m inspired by Benjamin Franklin’s 13 virtues, which he identified and followed in his life. He also developed a system so that he could work on them better and better. Without giving you a spoiler, the penultimate trait concerns sex (sexual intercourse). While reflecting on these traits, I recalled my start in Ironman in Gdynia.
An entrepreneur since 2006. I build a business with my "wolf" team: Barbara Piasek and Marek Piasek. I am working in the field of Education, Software production. Our brands: Evenea, Wolves Summit (until 08.2019), See Bloggers, (Wolves Academy). Products: Evenea Premium, Funnels, Hacksales. My area: Management and Strategy.
- Piotr Piasek
- Piotr Piasek
- Piotr Piasek
- Piotr Piasek