Dream Big with SMABT. I was wondering why some companies achieve success, some develop slower, and others fail? Have you ever thought about this? The very word “success” already gives a lot of space for interpretation. I personally believe that in order to talk about success, you should first define your goal. A goal that should be something worthwhile. Persistent pursuit to the set goal should lead us to the desired SUCCESS. Privately, it will be something different for everyone: a happy family, wealth, running one’s own company, independence, social work and helping others, fulfilling the profession that we dreamed of, etc… All you need to do is desire something, work hard on it, and believe that you can achieve it – then you have already achieved it. Strong faith in something has the power to fulfill it:
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened for you.” Mt 7: 7-11.
People who are unsuccessful usually do not have a clearly defined goal. They do not know what they are aiming for, so they are not able to direct their actions in order to follow a specific direction. It’s like an airplane without a pilot, a compass, a map, and a designated flight path. Will it manage? Maybe, but it is unknown where it will fly, and it is highly likely that it will crash during its flight. According to me, it is the same with companies. Companies that do not have a clearly defined goal (MISSION, VISION and STRATEGY) will never be successful companies. The implementation of budget plans, or short-term goals, is sooner or later doomed to failure if it does not support the company’s specific mission. When thinking about the company’s goals, it occurred to me that such goals should not be SMART goals. It’s not like ordinary projects. Goals: Simple, Measurable, Ambitious, Realistic, and Time-bound – will not work.
Dream Big with SMABT. These should be SMABT goals – I would replace REALISTIC with BOLD (bold, brave, audacious). Would a man have landed on the moon if not for a bold vision that goes far beyond realistic goals? This formulation of a clear vision, and its formal delivery by President John F. Kennedy in his Congressional speech on May 25, 1961, marked the beginning of a manned mission to the moon and the reaching of a final success. The strategy of our company should be based on the saying “the sky is not the limit”. Only: Simple, Measurable, Very Ambitious, Bold and Time-bound goals will allow for the achievement of success. Of course, “defining the goal” is not enough – it is necessary to work systematically to achieve the set goal. Success? Success is already behind the door and we begin to open this door by setting our vision.

Boguslaw is certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt. Responsible for implementing Lean Culture in the organizations, starting from 5S program, changes in the Operating System, and growth in Problem Solving Tools. He is a Lean Practitioner with over 20 years of experience in different industries.
- Boguslaw Zawiszahttps://leancommunity.org/author/boguslawzawisza/
- Boguslaw Zawiszahttps://leancommunity.org/author/boguslawzawisza/
- Boguslaw Zawiszahttps://leancommunity.org/author/boguslawzawisza/
- Boguslaw Zawiszahttps://leancommunity.org/author/boguslawzawisza/