Leadership – reflecting on the journey. In both professional and personal life, the path to success in leadership often requires more from us than just hard work and determination. It’s also important how we, as leaders, treat others during our ascent – this can decide how we will be perceived once we reach the peak, and what awaits us in case we return. Let’s consider what it truly means to be a respected leader, boss, coworker, and person.
“As you go up, bow to everyone, because you might be coming down the same path.” – Chinese proverb.
Table of Contents
ToggleThe Principle of Mutual Respect
I wonder how many of us can boldly say – “When I come back down the same path, everyone will bow to me, for the kind of boss and person I was.” We often say – “Sky is the limit“, more, I will prove it, I must – but sometimes the ladder ends, there’s a storm in the sky, and you have to go down, while others go up! To bow – is obviously a metaphor for mindfulness and respect for another person, but also for oneself.
Causes of Lack of Respect
HOW IS IT? = Władek – Regional Director of a German company starts going down the same path, yet no one bows to him – why do you think that is? No one looks at him, no calls, could it be that he did not bow to anyone on his way up? And you know what, honestly? I often ask my clients – who are you in the eyes of other people surrounding you? Believe me, silence often follows.
Leadership – Personal Reflection and Change
Do you know the answer to that question? But returning to Władek… I asked Władek – what brings you to me, paradoxically the milk has spilled. You’re left alone! I heard – I want to be a better person and boss, when I have to go down the same path again, I want them to bow to me, for the kind of person I was. Maybe today is that day and you’re not reading this by accident. Maybe it’s time for a self-audit? I invite you to the test in the article. Perhaps after reading and reflecting on the answers marked NO, the storm in your sky will stop and the sun will come out. How many times have you encountered a situation where someone is coming back the same path?
A Lesson of Leadership and Continuous Development
Leadership – reflecting on the journey. The story of Władek and the reflections from the Chinese proverb remind us of the universal value of respect and humility towards others. Regardless of our social or professional position, it’s important to remember that every interaction with another person is an opportunity to show who we really are. Perhaps it’s the way we treat others that is the most important lesson we can pass on. Let this story be a reminder that the values on which we build our relationships matter not only today but also in the future, when we might find ourselves on the return path.
She is an expert in communication with managerial experience in large corporations such as ING Bank and PKO BP. She has years of experience in team management, training, and sales - as an experienced team manager, bank branch director, PCC-level ICF coach, and owner of Manufaktura Lidera. Together with the team, they help the management and managerial staff to build effective communication within the company and develop efficient teams. Everything they teach, they have practiced or are currently practicing.
- Aneta Świetlickahttps://leancommunity.org/author/anetaswietlicka/
- Aneta Świetlickahttps://leancommunity.org/author/anetaswietlicka/
- Aneta Świetlickahttps://leancommunity.org/author/anetaswietlicka/
- Aneta Świetlickahttps://leancommunity.org/author/anetaswietlicka/